Monday, September 06, 2010

On Living At Home

Hey all my followers. Do I have any of those yet? :) Anyway, I've decided that I need to write to help others who may be going through the same things I am or maybe they are just looking for something fun to read. If you want a blog on a certain subject, let me know and I'll see what I can do. If you like what I have to say, let me know that too. Heck, even if you don't like what I have to say, you can let me know. Anyway... on to the real topic of this post....

I am a 26 year old professional living at home with my parents. Yes, you read that right... my roommates are my parents. Now, before you get all "Well, she must have it easy. Does she pay rent?" etc, let me explain my situation and how I ended up living here.
First, I need to back up a little bit. I lived on my own from 2002 to 2008. During those years, I went to college, switched schools, graduated with a degree in Information Technology - Network Specialist, worked as a manager, worked as a Network Administrator and turned down moving to Maine. There was love, there was loss, but there was always home.
My parents had always said that I would always have a place to stay if I needed one. Well, I was doing well, and enjoying living on my own; and then the big offer came. I was offered a job in Maine... 3000 miles from my family, friends and life I had known for 24 years. Sounded great; but I couldn't bring myself to leave. So, I turned down the job.... forgoing the fact that I had not signed another lease with my apartment and didn't have a place to live. Enter my childhood home... I moved home.
Moving home wasn't the ideal situation, but at the time it was the only solution.
So, why am I here after 2 years?!? Well, it actually isn't that bad. My parents are more like roommates. Yes, I pay rent and my share of the bills. I also have my own car, my own room and my own schedule. Yes, I let my parents know if I will be home, but there is no expectation that I will be. I have my own life and a full time job. I don't "mooch" and it seems to work out well... for the most part.
I do my share of house work; cleaning, dishes, cooking. I do my share of grocery shopping and all those things you would share with a roommate. Am I hindered by living at home? Only by people who are close minded and freaked out about that fact. I'm not ashamed that I am still "at home". I love having roommates that I for the most part get along with. I have found that the older I get the better I get along with my parents and the more I realize how much I am like them.
So, why am I writing this blog you ask? To let people know that it is okay. I'm not the only 20-something living at home, but I may be one of the only ones who is happy living at home right now. So, follow me on my adventures of life, work, love and friends.

Until next time...

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