Monday, November 08, 2010

Shopping, Pets and Monday Blues

Guess it's been a while again since I gave you a look into my life.  So, lets start with this...

I'm done Christmas shopping!!!  Well, almost.  I just have 1 more gift to get and then I will be done.  But that is the hard gift.  The one for my mother.  The woman who has put up with me through it all  :)  Yes, my father has put up with me too, but his gift "jumped out at me" this weekend  :)  As for my mother, well, she is always hard to shop for.  So, I have just over a month to get her present.  It is a great feeling to be done and not have to fight crowds.  Yes, I worked retail for over 5 years, and am glad I don't have to anymore.  People are just so pushy when there are crowds. 
So, my whole weekend off was spent in a hotel out of town and it was a blast.  Shopping, swimming, hot-tubbing, vegging and just being "lazy".  Oh and we had the best thing ever for dinner on Saturday night... fried Mac and Cheese!  Who ever thought of that deserves the award for the best childhood food brought back.  It was sooooo good.  And I even tried it with the recommended Katchup.  Yum-o.
So, after a great weekend we came home and I noticed that our older dog was missing.  Couldn't find him.  Looked and found him laying in his house.  He had passed away.  Shadow was 17, which for a black lab is old.  It was his time and it looks like he just fell asleep and didn't wake up.  It was a sad day yesterday and still today but its okay.  Its amazing how they are "just animals" but when you have a dog or cat or any pet for so long they become one of the family.  So, it is always sad when they pass away.  We've had multiple dogs and cats through the years, but Shadow was our "little dog".  He was always there and when we got him he was just a little bigger than a full grown cat.  He was so little... he'll forever be Little Dog.
I was back to work today, after 3 wonderful days off.  I could get used to having 3 day weekends all the time, but I also understand that everyone has to do their fair share of weekends.  Sometimes when I have a weekend off it seems like all I do it go, go, go.  But I guess that is what weekends are for  :)  How many of you feel the same way? 
Guess that is all I have for thoughts for now.  I promise to try to write more, but I always say that and we see how far I get on that.

Current Mood: Content
Current Music: Jingle Bells by Kenny Chesney 

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